Sunday 3 November 2013




(Translated in English)

 Gs. Bs. Nguyễn Thị Thanh MD.Ph.D.

For over half a century, medical knowledge of cancer and its treatment has been making many progress, whether from the etiological or therapeutic point of view. But the exact cause of cancer is not known.

The electronic microscope revealed the presence of viruses, retroviruses or ultraviruses and their close relatives, of plasmids and transposable elements, and the mechanics of their action towards their host cell, their mutation in the neoplastic cell and their replication in the cytoplasm...

Optical microscope  

Electronic microscope 

For a long time, we have been observing a certain viral mutation which is one of the main causes of carcinogenic action. This viral mutation must be caused by a certain physiopathology of the organism cell. On the other hand, we have observed a special similarity of the overall pathological stigmas between cancer and diseases having a fungal origin: outset promoted by chronic neuro-psycho-immuno-somatical troubles and stresses, incompatibility with microbial infections of animal origin, producing an internal acid environment favourable to quiet evolution, which sometimes turns into chronicity or disappears without any treatment, more widespread in colder countries.

These observations encouraged us to carry out diagnoses ex juvantibus with antifungal drugs for cancers. Spectacular remissions of radiological and clinical cancer signs allowed us to recommend a viral etiology of fungal origin and to continue our same tests on assumed incurable diseases.

According to our concept of fungal ultraviral etiology, along with biological, physio-pathological and anatomo-clinical considerations, we would like to advocate that almost every systemic lesions having unknown or misunderstood etiologies and for which palliative therapies are either inappropriate or inefficient - especially cancer - may very well be caused by ultraviral germs, multimolecular or unimolecular particles of viral origin which Pasteur called filtering agents.

From this concept of fungal ultraviral etiology, we carried out antifungal clinical tests on the most desperate cancer patients. A number of remissions encouraged us to repeat these tests on several occasions on cancer patients whose diagnostic was confirmed by radiological examinations and biopsies… Especially with breast cancer patients. We were very surprised and excited in the face of these unexpected results. Based on this and reasoning by induction, we thought of a theory about the viral mutation into a neoplastic cell of fungal origin of cancer.

The breast tumors or the large metastasis nodules or the big prominent palpable lymph nodes around the neck, from lung, mouth, tongue cancer etc…, will be treated with a suspension fungicide Nystatin injection solution or Amphoterincine B in intranodular injection. The intranodular antifungal injection quickly killed as a bomb, cancer fungal cells immediately, reducing the volume and following his disappearance after a few weeks.

In the case of breast cancer , I think, at any price, this easy method of maintaining the breast intact, must be favorite and admired of women worldwide. So I implore not remove breast cancer by surgery. Now it has not need removal of the breast, remove breast is a cruel gesture.

Our etiological antifungal treatment has a spectacular remission until the complete disappearance of breast cancer. To avoid a possible relapse it still need a general treatment to destroy all other cancer cells scattered through everything in the human body.

Even in the case of unique or nor large pulmonary or hepatic tumor that may also use this method under ultrasound or radiography. This is an etiologic and radical therapeutic expected and easy to carry for the treatment of any cancer, even at the terminal stage.

Further, with all viral infections, not only viral hepatitis B , C , ... shingles, but with asthma, arthritis, polyarthritis, nervous disease like ALS ( Lateral sclerosis amyotrophic) etc... that I consider like viral diseases, I gave them antifungal traitment (see presentation of cured cases). 

Myself in 2003 I had ophthalmic and cerebral Shingles, hospitalized in the Hospital Saint-Luc in Montreal. I was to be blind and crazy. Fortunately, the antiviral-antifungal treatment has saved me. Serious cerebral and ophthalmic shingles is completely cured after 2 week with treatment using fungicide.

And more, the ALS disease (Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis ) hit me for 10 years ago until 2010, with very permanent painful crises of cramps, every day and night, fortunately with antifungal antiviral-antifungal treatment, I could give up the wheelchair.

I was very surprised and moved before our expected results. These remissions encouraged me to repeat several times in my testing and clinic applications with cancer patients whose diagnosis was confirmed by radiological, ultrasound and biopsy examinations....

Then, by an induction argument I thought at a fungal nature or a fungal origin of virus and cancer cells. This allows me to say that the cancer or viral infection are the newly created fungal diseases in the human body . Finally with these results I asked my patent of invention in USA and Canada.

It was impossible for us to have the means to reveal these ultrafungal filtering germs, their mutation, the new number of chromosomes in the cancerous cells (for example: direct identification of the causal agent, observation of the viral integration mechanism and chromosomal identification of the cell resulting from this mutation) to get more specific evidence. But in every case, the clinical results were good.

I- Viruses, ultraviruses and their close relatives :

All these living organisms are trapped by Pasteur's ultrafine filter. Pasteur noticed that other filtering elements were capable of causing infections in humans. These elements, which he called filtering agents, are viruses, ultraviruses and their relatives, plasmids and transposable elements.

Fig I : Virus Semliki ou HIV,
dessiné par Dr Thanh d’après S.D. Fuller,
Cell 48: 923-934,1987.

Fig. II : Coupe du virus Semliki ou HIV,
dessinée par Dr Thanh d’après S.D. Fuller,
Cell 48: 923-34,1987.

Hình 2 bis: Siêu vi theo Google

 Aids Viruses

Recent electronic microscope techniques revealed much smaller living agents of the order of about ten nanometres (1nm = 1/1.OOO.OOO millimetre) having a much simple structure, like infragerms, which cannot be filtered or cultured and are invisible under an ordinary microscope.

We should probably consider that the cell era has ended and that we are now entering an era of viral ultra-agents, which could be called ultracells.

These have an extremely simple structure which would explain the fact that they are absolute intracellular parasites (Fig. V,VI). This intracellular, intramicrobial or even intraviral life of viral parasite capable of unexpected mutations is the source of every mortal disruption in the human body.

They are viruses, retroviruses or ultraviruses and their close relatives the plasmids, transposable elements and glycoprotein molecules that are called prions which, despite their small size, were able to intervene deeply in the human life.

Then, outside the vital unit which is formed of the cell with its nuclear and cytoplasmic components, there is another important ultraworld - a world of viral retrocells that have considerable power over the existence of human beings.

For its activities, the parasite virus on one land uses the host cells cytoplasmic portion to live and replicate, and on the other hand it joins with cellular chromosomes for its mutation, which causes cellular genetic destructions hence destroying the living organism.

Yet, during their latent life viruses and their relatives usually cluster and fall asleep in their capsules. And even during their active life, they can be destroyed or permanently inhibited by phagocytes, white corpuscles and other human system cells.

Fig III : Virus avalés et digérés par les lysosomes
des cellules de l’oganisme (par Dr Thanh).

Fig. IV : Cellule de l’organisme est en
train d’excréter les déchets d’origine virale

The virus merely contains chromosomes made of DNA or RNA nucleic active, and has a nucleic membrane that mainly consists of lipid and glycoprotein molecules. Electronic micrographs revealed certain viruses like the AIDs HIV retrovirus and the Semliki-forest virus which both measure a few dozen nanometres. One of them shaped as a thorn (HIV retrovirus) and the other being angular (Fig. VII).

The chromosome set of a virus is surrounded by an angular shell called the capsid consisting of a specific protein. This complex chromosome set-capsid is called a nucleocapsid. This nucleocapsid is once again surrounded by a thin double layer of lipid containing glycoproteins (Fig. VIII).

We observed the life cycle of the Semliki-forest virus (according to S.D.F&iller, Cell 48; 923-934~ 1087). It seems that through its membrane's glycoprotein molecules, the virus is attached to the cellular membrane's protein receptors of the host cell, which then eats the virus through normal endocytosis (Fig. IX) to transmit to the endosomes. The acid Ph of the endosome removes the viral envelope from the virus and transforms it into a viral nucleocapsid. Then, the endosome passes on the nucleocapsid or decapsided virus to the lysosomes for the latter to digest.

There is no doubt that if the cellular defence system is strong, the virus will be digested or driven out of the cell; thus it was believed that the virus would leave the host cell. If the cellular defence system is weak, the virus escapes from the lysosomes, is surrounded by a capsid and rapidly replicates.

Many viruses can be driven out of the cellular cytoplasm through the cellular exocytosis mechanism (Fig. X) or through bursting of the cell itself (Fig. XI).

In special cases, a decapsided virus can be pushed through the nuclear membrane and be integrated into the cellular (DNA) chromosomes. It is the phenomenon of mutation. This phenomenon could happen between viruses and animal or vegetable cells, between viruses and unicellular organisms or even between viruses themselves to create the others new viruses.

Viruses, ultraviruses or retroviruses differ from each other by the nature of the nucleic acid molecules which compose the chromosomes. Viruses contain nucleic acids in deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) form, while in retroviruses or ultraviruses nucleic acids exist in ribonucleic acid (RNA) form. The difference between ultraviruses or retroviruses, plasmids and transposable elements is that the latter have no nucleic membrane. Nucleocapsids, plasmids and transposable elements look like decapsided ultraviruses or retroviruses.

Thus, once they have entered the host cells, it is impossible to distinguish between these viral agents since on one hand none of them has a viral membrane. And on the other hand, inside the host cell, RNA molecules are transformed into DNA thanks to a special enzyme called reverse-transcriptase, which helps RNA molecules'transformation into the host cell's DNA. It is therefore probable that the entire family of viruses be more or less virulent and that the more simple agent, the more virulent.

II- Paralysing action of viruses and ultraviruses :

Viruses also have pathogenic effects - neither oncogenic nor lytic, but paralysing - with regard to host cells' functions. These pathogenic effects manage to modify, inhibate or paralyse the normal functions of the body cells.

In this case, it seems that the cell parasite virus destroys the function of this human cell either by the removal of specific organic functional of the cytoplasm, or by the integration of the viral and cellular DNA without creating a new cell.

Thus, when nerve cells sustain a direct attack, they may present different symptoms according to the level of infection and the cell's function, hence the large number of designations for nervous diseases, un example, the multiple sclerosis.

Figure V : Action paralisante des virus dans la
cellule de faible force de défense (par Dr Thanh).

This action can also be observed in AIDS. Here, the T4 lymphocytes transformed by the viruses completely lose their phagocytic function intended to protect the body against various bacterial invasions - hence the outbreak of opportunistic diseases.

Ultraviral infections could take on the appearance of a paralysing infection caused by a malign cellular transformation that lost its normal function. It seems that certain diseases like multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's and Hodgkin's diseases, diabetes, asthma, cirrhosis of the liver, chronic nephritis, arteritis of the lower limbs, phlebitis, cardiovascular conditions such as myocardial infarction, arteriosclerosis, hypercholesterolemia, dislipidemia, articular infections and even certain mental diseases could have a viral origin. And the organs'noble cells would be altered by the paralysing effects of the infragerms.

III- Lytic action of viruses and ultraviruses :

DNA viruses and RNA ultraviruses or retroviruses are ultraparasites inside living cells. They can only live and replicate inside the cellular cytoplasm if they are forced to stop there (Fig. X).

In that case, the viral DNA cannot be integrated into the nuclear DNA: it is stopped in the cell's cytoplasm and takes advantage of this nourishing environment to rapidly replicate and surround themselves with capsids (Fig. XI) to produce a very high number of viruses.

Figure VI : Multiplication intense intracellulaire
des virus, faisant gonfler la cellule (par Dr Thanh).

Fig. VII : Éclatement de la cellule par
l’énorme nombre de virus (par Dr Thanh).

Then, the host cell swells up and bursts, releasing many viral particles (Fig. XII). This is the lytic action of viruses towards their host cells.

The viral particles that are released when an infected cell bursts quickly spread among the other surrounding cells, in the blood, the lymph and the internal environment, to create the same destruction phenomena in other cells.

They can also adhere to the endothelial wall of arteries and veins, and they can destroy the organs'noble cells such as Langerhans' cells, as well as renal cells, hepatic cells and especially nerve cells (It is the case of the amyotrophic lateral sclerosis).

After a number of subculturings, viruses become more and more virulent and they continue to live and replicate very rapidly, killing the cells they infect. And this would be the beginning of undoubted harmful troubles or organic diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, etc.

In the face of this deep and secret viral invasion, the body quietly mobilizes specific white corpuscles and every surrounding tissue of the body - fibro-endothelial tissue, connective tissue, lipid molecules, cholesterol molecules, red corpuscles (clot formation) in the blood - to defend itself.

Thus, in AIDS cases, we thank that the higher the number of HIV retroviruses, the higher also the number of T4 lymphocytes. This produces inside the body an intense although quiet confect. If the white corpuscles can digest the viruses, everything will be back to normal again. The remanning viruses remain in their latent state, asleep in their capsules or inside benign tumors, no longer triggering pathogenic action against the human body.

The opposite scenario is fatal for the body. Such is the case with the smallpox virus (which destroys dermal cells), leukaemia, leucopenia, thrombopenia (AIDS), amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Charcot's disease), syringomyelia, essential or atypical dental, urinary and bronchopulmonary osteolytic infections, aphthae, eschars in paralysed people, etc.

In the case of Charcot's disease and syringomyelia, it seems that the neurolytic action of ultraviruses causes lytic lesions in noble nerve cells, slowly causing degenerative nervous lesions. In Charcot's disease or syringomyelia, nerve cell lysis is so serious that the spinal cord turns into an empty pipe or a flute.

In this case, we could accuse a rather slow ultravirus. The neurological failure which occurs because of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis should suggest an analogy with many other nervous, mental, visceral and osteo-articular diseases.

IV- Neoplastic action of viruses and ultraviruses :

When the situation is possible, the virus wakes up from its latent state and becomes active once it has entered the cellular cytoplasm and especially the cell's nucleus. Inside the cellular nucleus, the viral chromosomes are integrated into those of the invaded cell. And both chromosome groups combine into a string (Fig. VIII) to become one, like the phenomenon of gamete fertilization. But this integration of viral and cellular chromosomes can be reversible when the cellular vital force is sufficient to drive out the viral DNA.
Fig. VIII: Virus (ADN) fort, en train de créer une
mutation pour la cellule de l’organisme (Dr Thanh)

Fig. IX : Commencement de la mutation :
ADN viral attiré par ADN cellulaire (par Dr Thanh).

Fig. XI: Mutation cellulaire : Liaison des 2 ADNs cellulaire

et viral en un seul ADN donnant naissance à la première

cellule cancéreuse avec un ADN neuf :

C’est la première cellule cancéreuse (par Dr Thanh).

Fig. XII, XIII, XIV: Division de la cellule mutée

During experiments on lab guinea pigs, we observed in certain cases a transformation of healthy cells into cancerous cells, caused by viruses and ultraviruses. The fact that chromosomes are integrated into one another (the phenomena can be observed with an electronic microscope?) completely changes the genetic character of each of the two components to create a new DNA (Fig. IX).

The new DNA which results from this integration is the sum of viral DNA and cellular DNA. The electronic microscope could reveal the new state of chromosomes of each malign tumor's cancerous cells to prove that the cancerous chromosomes do not have the same genetic character as the organism. The new mutant cell then starts to proliferate on its own. Thus creating a malign tumor called cancer. This is the case for breast cancer, lung cancer, liver cancer, etc...
There is longtimes to today, experts agree on two main causes as far as cancer development is concerned. Certain schools of thought advocate that cancer is caused by viruses and ultraviruses while other schools were able to successfully demonstrate that cancer is triggered off by chemical factors.

We used to think that psycho-neuro-immuno-somatic troubles, unbalances and stress, mental and physical overworking and age, which significantly weaken the body's defence mechanisms and allow the viral mutation phenomenon to take place thus causing an outbreak of malign tumors, were the main cause of cancer. It is likely that a virus widespread in nature, inside the body and on the human flesh, permanent toxicity from chemical products and the poor condition of the cellular metabolism etc... only predispose, facilitate and accelerate the process.

The union of the virus with the invaded cell produces one new living organism or more, which live as parasites and reproduce inside the human body. This development soon invades tissues and organs, paralysing and destroying the organs'functions, and inevitably leading to a complete destruction of the organism.

V - Fungal origin of the virus :

We had the opportunity to talk about various phenomena of viral origin, pathological or not and cancerogenic or not. We have also observed a special similarity of the general stigmas, pathological or non pathological, between mycoses and abnormalities of viral origin, like naevi, which simply are small benign tumors pushed by the body towards the skin, the melasma, herpes, viral hepatite etc....favoured by nero-psycho-immuno-somatic stresses and troubles - with slow incubation - quiet outbreak - incompatibility with the microbial infection of animal origin - painless - without suppuration - without any general signs - with or without external and internal prurit - causing a favourable acid environment - serious quiet evolution - sometimes becomes chronic or disappears without treatment.

This encouraged us to carry out treatment tests with antifungal substances. Considering the spectacular results obtained in the treatment of naevi, melasma and other infections of viral origin, we took the liberty to put forward a concept on the fungal origin of the virus.

During these clinical tests, we noted that certain characteristics of viral lesions looked like those of mycotic conditions: unknown beginning, absence of pain, absence of suppuration, no genera] signs, survival period which varies according to degrees and levels of intracellular penetration - hence a list of special designations having a single etiology.

Until now, viruses and ultraviruses or retroviruses, as well as their family components the plasmids and transposable elements are the smallest living creatures which can be seen with an electronic microscope. With plasmids and transposable elements, viruses form a group of the smallest elements that belong to the most inferior race of living creatures. From these inferior beings originate vegetables and then animals. Thus viruses, ultraviruses or retroviruses should have a fungal origin or more exactly, a vegetable origin.

The word vegetable comes form the latin vegitus, which means sturdy, which tells us that viruses are very strong and resistant. They can lead a latent life anywhere in the air, in the ground or in the ice. First, they live a latent life before living clearly as parasites on vegetables and animals. They can stay alive despite of sunrays, resist temperatures as high as 120 Oc and can continue to exist in a late~t State during millions of years under ice mountains in the North Pole, etc. But all of this is impossible for animal organisms.

Other observation concerning AIDS: we thought that the 3 HIV groups that affect human beings showed an affinity for T4 lymphocytes. But, on the contrary, it rather seems that it is the T4 lymphocytes who look for the HIV retroviruses in order to fight them. In this battle, the T4 lymphocytes play a specific role against the germs of fungal origin.

And thanks to this continued defence force displayed by the T4 lymphocytes against HIV viruses, HIV-positive individuals can live a long time - 5 to 10 years and even more in an asymptomatic state. During this asymptomatic period, the more rapidly HIV replicate, the more T4 lymphocytes reproduce to ensure a good defence. But unfortunately, the longer the battle, the stronger ultraviruses become, before they finally win.

When the T4 lymphocyte force is destroyed, a series of opportunistic diseases of fungal origin (symptomatic or invasive) are specifically observed: - candidiases (buccal, oesophageal, bronchial, pulmonary, intestinal etc.) - pneumocystis carinii pneumonia - chronic cryptosporidiosis - toxoplasmosis - coccidiosis - cryptoccosis - mycobacterial infection at cobacterium avium or at M. kansasii - cytomegalovirus infection - herpes simplex virus chronic infections - cutaneo-mucous or disseminated - progressive multifocal leuko-encephalo-pathy - tuberculosis - torular meningitis - acute or chronic neurological troubles - salmonella bacteriemia - nocardiosis and cancer.

All the above-mentioned diseases are mycoses which appear in the absence of T4 lymphocytes. Therefor, it must be recognized that T4 lymphocytes are specific agents within the immune defence of the body against bacteria of fungal origin, including viruses, HIV retroviruses and their close relatives.

Viruses and their relatives must therefore have a fungal origin.  From this fundamental point of view, we hope to demonstrate our theory of viral mutation into neoplastic cells of fungal nature.nature.

VI- Immobility of virus :

According to recently published book (Molecular Biology of The Cell, by Marianne Minskowsky SD. Ph.D, and Gaella Rolland DEA Biology), plasmids and transposable elements are motionless because they have no nuclear membrane. And viruses as well as ultraviruses or retroviruses are moving because of their membranes.

On one hand, since the viral nuclear membrane does not contain any cytoplasm, it can't produce any pseudopodia to ensure motility of the virus. On the other hand, once it has penetrated inside the cellular cytoplasm, the virus no longer has a membrane, and yet it continues on its way to the nucleus.

Therefore, it is not the nuclear membrane that helps it move. But the intracellular or intercellular viral movement happens by chance or by an other surrouding mouvement. Besides, no one has ever observed virus mobility with an electronic microscope.

Rubbing our two hands together in front of a beam of light is enough to see thousands of dust particles of all sizes blow away in the air. These dust particles which fly freely in the air can get anywhere in the atmosphere or on the human body, by chance.

It is the same for viruses, which are displaced either by chance, by the body cells'forces of attraction or by blood or lymphatic streamings.

Thus we believe that viruses themselves are motionless. This reasoning justifies better the fungal origin of viruses.

VII- Cellular mutation into a genetically different néo-cell:

When the cellular defence mechanism is considerably weakened, the virus not only crosses the cellular cytoplasmic layer, but it also gets inside the nucleus where it attracts the cellular DNA and combines with the latter to build a new DNA qualitatively different (Fig. XIII), which becomes the new genetic factor of the new nucleus. The cellular cytoplasm with all it, content forms with this new nucleus a brand new cell.

Thus, theoretically and genetically speaking, the body cell is completely destroyed, but formally, it remains the same. This is why the anarchic character of this new cell generated by viral mutation has been incriminated. It is the phenomenon of viral mutation into a new independent cell.

This new cell is no longer part of the body cells, it is not the old virus either. It has become a totally independent new cell, which lives as a parasite inside the human body where it multiplies. Therefore, in this case, anarchy does not apply.
It can be seen that the entire cellular body becomes a graft environment for the ultravirus, which mutates into a completely new cell. This union is a little bit like gamete fertilization, except that in this case, the viral DNA is entirely dominant. The combination can be summarized as follows:

Viral DNA  +  Human cell DNA --- Mutation --->  New long DNA
New DNA  +  Graft (cell body - DNA)  ---> New independent Cell

VIII- Characters of fungal neo-cell :

We have shown that viruses have a fungal origin, that they are ultra-mushrooms. In the case of a viral mutation into a new cell the viral DNA remains alive when it combines with the genetically destroyed cell. Therefore, it is likely that the fungal origin of the virus has definitely become the only dominant factor, and the animal character of the cellular DNA is really destroyed or has definitely become recessive. This mutation caused by a virus is a viral mutation into a fungal cell.

Thus, the newly formed cell is different from the initial cell not only from a genetic point of view but also in term of its origin. As we said previously, the new cell is a combination of the virus and the body's animal cell, it has the living fungal character transmitted from the virus along with the shape of the host cell.

The fungal cell now lives as a parasite inside the human body. It no longer infects the cells. By proliferating, it freely grows, not as a multicellular body, but into unicellular elements which gather and are capable of clustering to adhere to themselves and to form a tumor.

These living elements can also free themselves from the initial tumor and scatter everywhere inside the human body through the blood and lymphatic pathways. The phenomena of viral mutation into a new fungal cell can be expressed as follows:

Viral DNA  +  Human cell DNA --- Mutation --->  New long DNA
New DNA  +  Graft (cell body - DNA)  ---> New independent Cell
New independent cell  +  Dominant viral factor  ---->  Fungal cell
Fungal cell    +    Free proliferation  ------>   Group of fungal cells

IX- Natural characteristics of independent fungal neo-cells :

The fungal neoplastic cell takes the appearance of the invaded host cell (for example: mammary cell, lung cell, nerve cell, etc.... Thus, if we observe them, they still look like clean body cells and we accuse them of becoming anarchic. Actually, appearances are deceptive, because the DNAs of these cells have qualitatively transformed with new viral DNAs which give them chromosome sets that are different from those of the other cells in the body.

These cancer neo-cells come in very irregular, abnormal, fragile, shapes. Genetically they do not look like human cell, but they are always mononuclear or multinuclear mono-cells. They are always unicellular and have totally a independent life. They have a free proliferation and always a parasitic life in human or animal or vegetal bodies. So, these free neo-cells are transport immediately by the blood and lymph everywhere in the body to give all many small and big metastases. They can never generate a specific tissue or any organic forms, and they are not surrounded by a membrane like any normal animal or vegetal tissue element.

Although each of them has a distinctive life, they stick to each other to form an indurate mass among the soft tissues of the body and their shapes vary according to their surroundings. Thus, the exterior surface of this mass presents a roughness that can be felt manually.
Fig. XXII : Cancer de forme ovale (par Dr Thanh).

Fig. XXIII: Cancer du sein de forme ronde
avec métastases posthoraciques de forme pyramidale.

Fig. XXIV: Arbre cancéreux fongique
stylisé (par Dr Thanh)

Wherever these cells are brought, they proliferate and take various shapes. In the bronchial tubes, the oesophagus and the intestines, they take a long, oval or nodular shape. On the free mucous membranes they often are cone-shaped, like stalactites (Fig. XXII,XXIII) or shaped like little earth mounds made by earthworms (Fig. XXIII,15). In cases of breast cancer, we often see many small cone-shaped metastases of different sizes growing on the mucous membrane on the back of the breast. In soft tissues, they take rounded shapes.

The presence of these neoplastic cells does not cause any striking symptoms nor reactional signs. Why? Although cancerous cells have an independent life, from a somatic point of view thanks to a close biological similarity relationship with the normal cells of the body, the latter has no noticeable reaction against their presence. It accepts them like a mother who feeds the child in her womb, feeds them and takes them in reluctantly. Even providing them an important undesirable angiogenesis (Fig. XV, XVI, XVII XVIII), which provides the tumor with richer and richer blood nutriments allowing it to develop rapidly.

The cancerous cells development is relatively quiet; it generates almost no toxicity and causes no variable leucocytosis until serious functional, cellular, tissue or organic troubles occur in the body. All these physiopathological characteristics can also demonstrate that neoplastic cells might have a fungal origin.

X- Formation of benign tumors (cancer of the first period) :

Fig. XIX: Formation de tumeur bénigne (par Dr Thanh)

We talked about the formation of malignant tumors from a cell of fungal origin. Moreover, we observed benign tumors whose nature, growth and outcome are totally different from that of malignant cancerous cells.

Yet, benign tumors always transform themselves into malignant tumors. Why is there formation of benign tumors? And why is it possible for a benign tumor to become malignant?

Benign tumor formation, that is proliferation of epithelial and connective tissue (Fig XIX) or of any other tissue of the body, must play an important role in the human body's defence mechanism.

It is likely that, if viral neoplasia occurs on an only one healthy cell, the body will immediately be alerted and will put its defence system in action. It is also probable that, if the defence system of the body is strong enough to respond, the surrounding epithelio-connective tissue will activate its phagocytic process as well as its encircling process (Fig XIX).

The stronger the mutated cell, the faster healthy tissue will proliferate. Following this encircling, there is formation of a tissue mass of smooth fibres, called benign tumor, entrapping the phagocytic or inhibited malignant cells. But if these become active and neoplastic again, they invade the benign tumor and transform it into a malignant tumor.

The benign tumors of various sizes, most often made of epithelial and connective tissues, can grow anywhere in the body. The benign tumors formed in this manner have a smooth exterior surface, it is in contact with the adjoining tissue by a layer of connective tissue.

They will stop growing once the invaded cell is completely entrapped. In certain cases they may even disappear or be come no change all the live. The opposite phenomenon occurs if there is a transformation from mildness to malignancy according to the above-mentioned process.

XI- Transformation of benign tumors in cancer :

Fig.XX : Transformation de tumeur bénigne
en tumeur maligne  (par Dr Thanh).

Fig. XXI : Formation and development
of cancer (par Dr Thanh)

We understand that the different physiopathological conditions of benign tumor formation, reduction or malignant transformation vary according to intratumoral phagocytic sequestration effects or to this eventual intracellular neoplastic reactivation. An early removal of any benign tumor is therefore always useful.

People always accuse the eventual intravascular formation of adipose masses or blood clots that may or may not be stuck to these masses. Because this formation could block or slow down the circulatory stream which causes trouble in terms of cardiovascular pathology. But we think that this adipose mass and blood clot formation process is vital for the body's defence system, as a protection against viral actions in the cell from the arterial wall that underwent a viral mutation.

It is likely that adipose masses and clots are responsible for hindering and delaying diffusion of the mutated cellular elements during an eventual viral attack by sequestering them. It seems that neither the absorption of anticoagulants nor the reduction of lipids and cholesterol can solve this problem drastically. The adipose masses, intravascular clots, hyperlipidemia and hypercholesterolemia also affect thin people.

It seems that most severe intracardiac and intravascular circulatory troubles could result from these viral action processes undergone by blood vessel infected cells. In such pathological cases, we consider that a triple treatment (at the same time preventive, curative and etiological) is much more rational than simple palliative or symptomatic treatments.

4 stages of formation and development from neo-cell to general cancer.

So we can think that the benign tumour is a cancer at the first stage which can grow slowly or quickly or disappear.

XII- Pathogenic and non-pathogenic effects of viruses  &  Susceptibility of the invaded cells by the viruses:

The viruses and ultraviruses could be considered some of the most inferior living organisms, solely composed of a nucleus containing DNA and RNA molecules whose pathogenic action is extreme)y low. They are very widespread in nature, on and inside the ground, in the body and on the skin of pluricellular living creatures, where they live a latent or active intracellular life without causing any pathogenic reaction.

Every day, we ingest and inhale billions of viruses. It is likely that the defence mechanisms of human body cells by far exceed the virus’s normal pathogenic effects. And these cells manage to slowly digest them or to inhibit them inside their capsules (cysts) where they remain in a latent state.

Almost all babies are born with black, white, blue, brown or red naevi (beauty spot) on their skin and inside their bodies. These marks are formed by a micro-cluster of capsules containing viruses in a latent state. These marks slowly disappear or multiply or remain unchanged all their lives without causing any problems.

It is likely that because of the defence mechanisms of our body and cells, all viruses would continuously be destroyed during our life and that for their part and in order to defend themselves, viruses cluster in groups and exist in a latent state as naevi, waiting for a favourable moment to become virulent. Thus, theoretically, viruses do not have very marked pathogenic effects.

For intrinsic or extrinsic reasons mentioned earlier, these viruses asleep in their cysts  which are in fact small benign tumours. Example, Certain of which called naevi, are pushed by the body towards the skin, wake up and become active, leading to pathogenic effects such as cancers and diseases of viral origin. But what kind of mechanism makes it possible for viruses to show their pathological action towards the human body cells?

The civilized man's body is constantly intoxicated by polluted air, by chemical substances in food and water, etc... Oxygenation, waste elimination and cellular metabolism become insufficient. Cells are intoxicated and their defence mechanisms are weakened.

It should be recopied that because of chemical substance, antibiotic and corticoid abuse, the human life has become filled with elements that are toxic for the entire body, especially for the nervous system. This is one of the reasons why, on one hand, most virophage and mycophage non-pathogenic microbes are eliminated. On the other hand, there arc very few opportunities for white corpuscles to efficiently and completely carry out their phagocytic function.

When a person's mental life is further traumatized by worries distress, anxiety, nervousness, depression, ambitions, hatred, misfortunes, stress etc... It deteriorates and slowly eats away at the body by acting on the nervous centre and especially on the autonomic nervous system.

The sexual abuse mostly happens among children, homosexuals and women who continuously take sex hormones and who keep foreign bodies inside their uterus. No one can tell what will happen in the face of the important losses of human vital energy among the descendants of homosexuals and debauched children who play abnormally with their sexual systems.

There are many more factors that are favourable to the awakening of viruses or to their mutation between each other in order for them to become pathogenic. In vitro and in vivo subculturings transform viruses, which become more and more virulent to finally overcome human body cells.

The civilized man's body is constantly intoxicated by concern, anxiety, anguishes, sufferings, stress, nervousness, depressions, ambitions, hatred, misfortunes, stress, sex, drug, alcohol, tobacco, coffee and by the impure and polluted air, chemical matters and substances in water, in the drugs and food etc. The oxygen contribution, the waste disposal and the cellular metabolism become insufficient on the one hand.

In addition when the human cell is poisoned, traumatized, failing or it has just died recently, its force of defence and its immunity are decreased or cancelled completely. It is there a good occasion of carcinogenic mutation. In particular, the cellular mutation of viral origin in the recent dead cells is very frequently occurs at no matter whom. Why? The dead cells lost all their forces of auto-defence and their acquired immunities. Thus, we are not astonished in front of the phenomena where exist several kinds of cancers in various organs of the same human body.

Because there are always cells died in the human body, there are daily cellular mutations of viral origin. But when the force of natural auto-defence and the acquired immunity of the human organism remain in good condition, these first cancerous cells will be destroyed immediately. Thus, normally in the human body there are always viral matations of all kinds of cells of the organization. But the good force and immunity of human auto-defence are always able to destroy them. This is very important in the treatment and the prevention of cancer and all other viral infections.

The sexual abuse is especially in the children, the homosexual ones and, women who make continual use of the sex hormones and which carry foreign bodies in the uterus. People would never know tomorrow what will still occur in front of the great losses of human vital energy in the discharged children and of the homosexual ones, of the women continuously absorbing sex hormones and their descendants.

There exists still well of other factors favourable to the alarm clock of the viruses or their mutation between themselves so that they become pathogenic. In vitro road repairs and in vivo transform the viruses which become increasingly virulent and prove to be one winner day of the cells of the human organism!

From the pathological point of view, the majority of these ultra-viruses are initially non-pathogenic, living simply in parasites in the organization, conferring immunity called hereditary, congenital and acquired. When there are a disturbance, a deterioration or an unspecified sudden mutation of the interior medium, the force of defence of the organization is decreased, these ultraviruses become inevitably pathogenic on the level of the cells. These various interactions ultravirus-cells would lead to the cellular destruction or with the malignant transformation or the production continues new ultravirus and lately virulent, to generate in the organization of the various pathological demonstrations: ultra-viral infections acute like the SARS currently chronicles or persistent or degenerative and cancers.

We spoke higher than the viral mutation could be possible in certain physiology and pathological states of the cell of the organization. We can observe this physiology-pathological state in the cases of degeneration, old age, lack of oxygen, mental anguish, of chemical toxicity, the microbial infections, of the traumatisms, failing cellular state and of recent cellular death, which facilitate viral invasion. At these moments, the force of cellular auto-defence and acquired immunity should be very decreased or even cancelled. It would be a good occasion for the virus to invade freely and completely the cell.

Thus we are not astonishing to see the colourings, the tar, the x-rays, radio-active, ultraviolet-ray and so much of chemical matters, toxic hormones, food drinks, tobacco to be carcinogenic. It is the reason because which it was often said that cancer is caused by the dyes or the chemical matters.

The simple example is the facial hyper-pigmentation where the virus infiltrates only in the area of the skin epidemic cells whose vitality slows down to end up forming a layer of died, dry and scaled cells. In the beauty institute, people arrives with difficulty and seldom to remove this dirty epidemic layer even with the "peeling", but often it disappears all alone thanks to an increase from the auto-defence force.

We observed in this case of deep facial hyper-pigmentation which, before being scaled completely, the infected epidemic cells transmits their viral balls to their successors. Except of case where those are able to fight against the causing agent. The ‘melasma’ is a disorder of viral origin of the skin. The virus attacks the cell only at the time when it loses all its vitality to die. The fact of the viral penetrates or not in the skin depends on the cellular immunizing state. Thus when the force of auto-defence of the organization becomes better, the virus of the melasma becomes non-virulent, and the melasmic state of the face disappears.


The discovery of the fungal origin of virus and of cancerous cells created a cancer etiologic treatment (CET) curing cancer and viral infections, if the patient follow exactly the processing time like the time of formation of cancer, it want say that, the etiological treatment against cancer must to be moved back, to move back slowly until completely disappearing, like it appeared since the beginning. This non-toxic treatment does not prevent the patient from carrying out a daily life and an activity in a completely normal way.

To have cured quickly and sure, it is necessary to treat cancer at the first stage, at the moment when cancer is still a benign tumour. Because during the existence of the benign tumour is the period where the force of defence of the organization is putting all its maximum power to destroy the first cells cancerous.

If cancer underwent the radioactive rays or in particular so toxic chemotherapy, the force of self-defence and body immunity are cancelled. All the organizations of body are touched or wounded; the etiologic treatment of cancer would lose effectiveness enormously.

On the contrary, if all these two treatments went together at the same time, the CET is able to lower remarkably a part of light toxicity of Chemotherapy; and the cure is more quickly; the suffering of the patient would be many reduced; and the result would be marvellous for those which prefer chemotherapy. But the cost price would be expensive for the poor. But in this case people cannot apply with chemotherapy embolisante, because this treatment makes extremely fragile all the vascular system of the organization and the haemorrhages prevents from continuing the CET.

Really, the CET must destroy to the last cancerous cell, at the same time it strengthens the self-defence and immunities congenital and acquired of organization, to prevent the entire relapse if the patient would have continued the treatment until the end. This want say that a treatment during at least 18 months or more. If not, it is enough that there remains only one cancerous cell in an unspecified body, the relapse would be to occur early or late. And it would not be the fault of the CET.

The CET consists to use a mixed modern biological fungal matter combination pharmaceutical called Nystatin and a chain of edible antifungal and strengthening natural products. These substances have an alkaline pH, while the cancerous cells and the fungal viruses have an acid pH. Thus, this mixed combination of the biological products is attracted by the cancerous cells and the viruses. Those will be wrapped by the alkaline products until being destroyed. However the cells of the human organization have a normal pH approximately, they almost ever are attacked or pained by the alkaline matters of the biological products.

Why is needed a mixed combination? In the combat against an enemy so extremely power, it is better weapons more generous than sufficient. The combination of the animal and vegetable antifungal substances could give a maximum force and a power therapeutic most effective against cancer and the viral infections.

A local injection CET would be necessary in much case, for example breast cancer, cancer of the skin, surface cancer, and cancers which are impossible to extract by the surgery (for example more share of cancers of the brain). With the breast cancer at the first stage (cancer benign) some injections of CET could make disappear easily the tumour without need for total ablation of the breast which is a great misfortune for the woman.

We mentioned above than the CET is not toxic for the human organism, but, some time it could an awkward sympathicomimetical action to the autonomous nervous system, all that to be to cancel with a small quantity of sympathicolytic product.


Despite the huge sums of money invested by western countries for the last 35 years, the battle against cancer remains, unsuccessful. Biological developments contrast with the absence of therapeutic results in terms of cancer. Progress in detection, surgery, radiotherapy and drug technologies have failed to make this scourge recede globally.

In spite of that, the picture is not dark, throughout the world, the remission rate has increased by a third. Many successful result have been recorded and thanks to detection, ravages caused by cancer were minimized. Athough chemotherapy is better tolerated, its success rate remains partial and sketchy. At the moment, prevention and surgery are still the most effective weapons.

The expected therapeutic revolution did not take place and the victory cries that are regularly sung by the medias and certain researchers following such-and-such lab result never have any repercussions. In the field of chemotherapy, the most remarkable discovery - a drug called Cisplastine - took place thirty years ago, followed very recently by Taxol (Taxotere) - but their efficiency is limited and there is nothing better. We wondered why nobody ever obtained more convincing results despite all these years of research.

Furthermore, considering the capacity of tumoral cells to continuously become more resistant to antimitotic drugs as well as the ineluctable relapses once the tumor has scattered, we have noted that in many cases the benefits of prolonging life by medical means can often be very difficult to evaluate, if not non-existent for certain patients.

Within the current oncogenesis physiopathological context, there must certainly be other unknown-causing factors, other considerations to be evaluated, other approaches to examine, other assumptions to verify, other theories to test.... Similarly and unpretentiously, we conceive with modesty and reserve that a new concept of fungal ultraviral mutation having a neoplastic action in the treatment could bring an element of solution to this huge therapeutic problem ?.

We discussed immunotherapy, since immunodepressive patients often develop a malignant tumor. The two current research main lines are the use of killer lymphocytes and the use of specific monoclonal antibodies. A new science will soon be able to confirm and explain the amazing phenomena of cancer attacks among psycho-depressed individuals. This new science is called psycho-neuro-soma-immunology.

But today genetic therapy has become fashionable. It is a matter of using a vector (most often than not a virus) carrying a gene capable of filtering into chromosome sets of cancerous cells and to stop their anarchic division. Supposing that gene transfer problems could be solved, failure seems probable since each tumor includes a wide variety of cancerous cells and numerous genes are involved. It is doubtful that one or a few genes coming into a few cells could reverse the process. It is therefore an experimental fact realized in vivo with the intention of carrying out a therapeutic test.

But within the context of our personal approach, we mentioned the likeliness of a natutal biological phenomenon or an eventual ultramycotic viral penetration by neoplasla inside the normal cell, in order to try to understand a possible oncogenesis mechanism and finally recommend a rational treatment.

Generally, once they have entered the having cell, these viral particles, in order to multiply, misappropriate to their advantage the synthesis mechanisms of those normal proteins which are essential to cell life. The infected cell produces sufficient quantities of viral constituents to form new viral particles which leaves the cell, spreading the infection towards other cells.

In the carcinogenic process, it would be the opposite. Certain ultraviruses of mycotic nature which have a neoplastic action could remain quiet but become integrated into the genetic inheritance inside the normal cell and would only awaken under the influence of a specific stiinulatjon to provoke a malignant mutation. We do not believe that this mutation is an exceptional phenomenon. Instead of mutating, the oncogenic mycotic ultravirus would force the parasited cell to mutate into a maliguant cell in order to radically modify its receptor. Of course, these viruses infect any cell in the human body.  We could therefore target their pathogenic action to obtain an eventual therapeutic efficient.

Like prions, infectious protein particles whose existence was still questioned not so long ago but which are now already recognized as being responsible of various infectious and genetic diseases. We hope that potential mycotic cellular ultraviral mutants will one day be identified as real agents responsible for the cancerogenesis process in human tissues.

This battle against cancer is not necessarily lost, since all the hopes nurtured for the last hali-century did not prove vain. We remain optimistic in the face of the considerable progress that was made towards an understanding of the cancer process.

The lack of specificity of the cancerous cell is a major obstacle as much to the current chemotherapy practices than to immunotherapy and genic therapy. In these conditions, we suggest that we change our plans and that we explore other horizons.

It is very well to put most of our efforts on prevention and detection. But it would certainly be essential and most useful for therapeutic purposes to identify precisely the enemy. We believe that the current impossibilities of cancer prevention which have caused problems in terms of its treatment must be the concern of those involved in the current antiviral-antifungal battle following the microbian destruction victory. <>

Prof. Nguyên Thi Thanh MD. Ph.D.
Montréal 1995

Add 21 January 2013
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