CA 02275732 2002-5-14


Name of the inventor: Nguyên, Thi Thanh
4 - 128 Boul. Boul. Curé Poirier O. Longueuil
QC. J4J-2G3 Canada





For a long time people sought to treat cancer by surgical operations, the radioactive rays and chemical products, and by an early detection and an adequate prevention. However the exact cause of cancer remains unknown.

To identify exactly the origin or the nature of cancer is undoubtedly the primordial gesture, very necessary and useful for the appropriate etiologic therapeutic. The concept of my invention is based on the identification of cancer and the virus (in the viral infections), it want to say that their nature or their origin. Because once the nature or the origin of the virus and cancer are known, the treatment of cancer and of the viral infections will be only one routine.


1- Initially there is oncogenic viral mutation of fungal intracellular nature involving the pathological transformation of the human cellular ADN into foreign fungal cellular ADN (See: Discovery of Fulgal Origin of the Virus and Cancer): It is the essential cause of the proliferation which is known as "anarchistic" of the malignant tumour cells (independent fungal cells).

2- This present invention consists in showing that the virus and the cancerous cells have an origin and/or a nature fungal(s) and they are consequently destroyed radically by fungicides.

3- This method of antifungal specific and etiologic therapeutic have the objective to destroy in a total, rational and radical way all the neoplasmic cells accumulated in cancers, in metastases and disseminated everywhere in the human body, and all the viruses paralysing and/or lytic non-oncogenic but in the viral infections (including virus HIV/SIDA).

4- This invention is based initially on a completely original concept of fungal nature of the virus and cancer, and it carries out a new method of treatment active, specific, rational, radical, etiologic and effective against cancer and viral infections.

5- The advantage of this method of antifungal therapeutic is that the products antifungal are not toxic, their price is not expensive and the treatment is easy to realize. However fungicides will be able to give some times of light small side nervous effects (irritating effects). In the case of need it is enough to administrate a small amount of calming to neutralize these small effects.


A- Specific, etiologic and rational therapeutic against cancer and viral infections:

1- For more than 25 years, the clinical observation of the similarity of the general pathological marks of fungal infections, and of cancers and viral infections had suggested me the idea giving drugs antifungal to the cancer patients who were often at the quite advanced stages. Spectacular successes had encouraged me to continue this therapeutic antifungal "antiviral-anticancer" on a great number of patients. Results obtained made me conceive that the virus and the cancerous cells must have a fungal nature.

2- The cures of a considerable number of cancers (lung cancer, breast cancer, cancer of the nose, Hodgkinien lymphoma and not Hodgkinien lymphoma etc.) and infections viral (shingles, herpes, viral hepatites B and C) suggested me the idea writing the small booklet attached (Enclosed: Discovery Of Fungal Origin Of Virus and Cancer).

B- Principle of the antifungal treatment method against cancer and viral infections:

1- The virus and its varieties are the bio-agents most infinitely small and lower on the ground; they should have a fungal nature. And this fungal character is always dominating when the virus succeeds in invading the cell of the human organism. It transforms into continuation the human normal cell in a fungal cell by the phenomenon of viral mutation.

2- Because of this mutation, the cell of the human body wounded, poisoned, failing, or has just died is transformed into a being foreign and independent monocell, having a different fungal nature from that of the initial cell. This monocellular being is the first cancerous cell which divides freely. It is the mechanism of the proliferation of the cancerous cells. Moreover the virus could be the causal agent of good of other viral infections by its action not-carcinogen but paralysing and lytic.

3- The clinical applications of the antifungal therapeutic method "antiviral-anticancer" successfully showed that the virus and the cancerous cells are same fungal. Once the fungal character of the virus and cancer was confirmed, the treatment of cancer and of the viral infections becomes a easier problem to solve.

C- Intention of Invention:

1- It is the choice, at the same time, of a biologic and natural antifungal composition with effective and direct action to create a great fungicidal action "antiviral-anticancer" and to create a maximum effective synergistic increase against cancer and viral infections.

2- Generalized, direct and cytolytic action in cancer, and antiviral action in the viral infections: These actions are carried out thanks to an association of only one and single antifungal biologic synthetic which is Nystatin, and of a range from 8 to 14 natural antifungal elements to completely destroy quickly, and in a generalized way, the viruses with paralysing action, lytic action and oncogene action, and the cancerous cells which are in the same fungal nature.

3 Given character: It is a composition of a fungicide biologic synthetic composition including/understanding Nystatin and a well evaluated and determined range of 14 natural fungicides for the treatment etiologic, specific and rational of cancer and viral infections. The purpose of that is to create a maximum synergy of therapeutic action. What wants to say the composition is able to destroy, to kill in a generalized and final way all cancerous cells and all paralysing or lytic non-oncogene viruses, from where viral infections.

D- Originality of invention:

1- Choice of a specific biological antifungal compound of extract of a microbe, extremely strong and not toxic which is Nystatin, and of a range evaluated from 10 to 14 natural fungicidal elements to create a maximum effective therapeutic power and a synergy of antagonistic action in the antiviral and anticancer treatments.

2- The natural antifungal elements give to the cells of human organism biomaterials, normal partners, easy to assimilate, and to tolerate. Because not-poison or almost not-poisons being, these elements support the self-defence of the body. Thus, the natural antifungal substances provide to the human organism the compatible biological elements for the cellular metabolism.

3- Besides, for better treating cancer and viral infections, it is to have a more abundant and more sufficient antiviral-anticancer substances means better. Thus, the mixed synthetic and natural antifungal combination is an ideal therapeutic formula, able to destroy with maximum power, all pathogenic viruses in the viral infections and all cancerous cells which are disseminated everywhere in the human body.

4- Direct and final cytolytic fungicidal action against the viruses and the developed cancerous cells: This is because of the primitive fungal nature of the viruses which are at the origin of the neoplasmic mutations.

5- Concomitant antiviral action in the viral infections, because of the same fungal nature of these viruses non-oncogenes.

6- The originality of my invention has been proven at the same time biologically and clinically for several years (not publication) in the fight successfully against any kind of cancers and viral infections.

7- Exit of this originality of concept, my invention is exclusive, thus it could wish to have the benevolence of the Assembly of the Inspectors in the granting of a required patent.

E- Choice and goal of “antiviral-anticancer” fungicidal composition and doses:

We began from the very start an "antiviral-anticancer" treatment against cancers and the infections with a mixed pharmacological composition as quoted below. A specific mixed combination of an extractive fungicide of a kind of special microbes called Nystatin and of a well evaluated and determined range from 8 to 14 antifungal natural substances, gives a great therapeutic action and a maximum destructive synergy for the treatment of cancer and the viral diseases:

1- Synthesized biological Fungicide:

The first matter of the antifungal composition is a synthesized biological fungicide: "Nystatin". It is a strong, antiviral fungicide, marketed under the name of Mycostatin or Nylstat which, with a specific and adapted dose, destroyed well the viruses and the cancerous cells. This fungicide Nystatin can only be used in the treatment of cancer and the viral infections. The doses of Nystatin vary 3.000.000UI with 6.000.000UI/daily during 8 to 18 months or to prevent the relapses more.

2- Natural fungicides: It will be largely effective when Nystatin is combined with a well evaluated range and well defined from 8 to 14 natural elements antifungal (their doses are variable: from 100 to 200gr/daily) having a antifungal, antiviral, and anticancer action. This range from 8 to 14 natural fungicides already not-poison, is mainly edible. These 14 antifongic natural is as follows:

2.1- Desiccated roots of Curcuma which has a antifungal, antiviral and anticancer action: 10 with 30gr/daily;

2.2- Desiccated Hedyotis Diffusae herb which has a antifungal, antiviral and anticancer action: from 30 to 60gr/daily;

2.3- Desiccated Lobelliae Radicante herb which has a antifungal, antiviral and anticancer action: from 15 with 30gr/daily;

2.4- Desiccated sheets of Carica Papaya which have a fungicidal, antiviral, anticancer action: 10 to 30 gr/daily;

2.5- Desiccated sheets of Catharantus Roseus which have a antifungal, antiviral and cancer action:10 with 20gr;

2.6- Roots of Glicyrrhiza Urelensis which have a antifungal, antiviral and anticancer action: 5gr with 15gr/daily;

2.7- Centelle Asiaca plants which have a antifungal, antiviral, and anticancer action: 20 with 50gr/jour;

2.8- Cyperus Rotundus which is antifungal, antiviral and anticancer action: from 5 with 10gr/daily;

2.9- Ganoderma Lucidum mushrooms which have an antiviral action: 15 with 30gr/daily; 2.10- Grains of Oriental Sesamun which have a antifungal, antiviral, anticancer action: 10gr with 20gr/daily;

2.11- Rice Bran which has a antifungal, antiviral and anticancer: 10 with 20gr/daily;

2.12- Grains and its center of Lotuses which have a antifungal action and a balancing action of the autonomous nervous system: 5 with 20gr/daily.

2.13- Desiccated Molluska-Snail of sea and fresh water which are fungicidal, antiviral, anti-cancer: 10gr with 30gr per day. 2.14- Ginseng Panax which is fungicidal, antiviral and anticancer: from 5 to 10 /daily.

3- Goal of this patent application: 3 claims:

With the above mentioned descriptive exposure, our purpose is to assert with the Honourable Assembly of the Inspectors of the Patents, the right of invention of a antifungal treatment method to fight cancer and viral infections.

3.1- A first claim will be required to use only one element antifungal called Nystatin, in the combat against cancer and viral infections.

3.2- A second claim will be required to use a mixed pharmaceutical composition of synthetic fungicides and natural including/understanding only one element called called Nystatin and eight natural antifungal elements: Curcuma, Hedyotis, Lobelliae, Catharantus, Ghycirrhiza, Gingseng, Sesamum Asiaca, Lotus; in the combat against cancer and viral infections.

3.3- A third claim will be required to use of a mixed pharmaceutical composition of synthetic and natural fungicides including/understanding only one element called Nystatin and fourteen natural antifungal elements: Curcuma, Hedyotis, Lobelliae, Papaya, Catharantus, Ghycirrhiza, Centella, Cuperus, Ganoderma, Sesamum Asiaca, Its of Rice, Lotus, Escagot, Gingseng; in the combat against cancer and viral infections.


The Equinox Protection agent in Montreal, and Washington D.C. and the Research centre of the Office of Intellectual Property of USA made research several times on Patents, Patent applications, and Publications in all reviews and newspapers of world during several months. But there are no invention, no publication, no article, no concept and no idea on the etiological treatment of cancer and viral infections by the antifungal. Thus my discovery is not preceded.

Former Publication and US Patents:

1- The Patent No 5,665,751 on the Sept.9 1997 speaks about a "composition about 2 synthetic antifungal substances 1,3-(a)-triazolyl-2 propanol to inhibit the growth of the tumour and breast cancer, and viral infections." This Patent does not speak about cytolytic and antiviral actions against the cancerous cells and the viruses. Its action is exclusively and completely palliative. This Patent does not speak either about possible cure, partial destruction of the cancerous cells or a unspecified etiological and radical treatment of cancer or viral infections. It presents only one passive, apathetic, negative action of some insulated fungicides to inhibit, bar or slow down the growth of the tumour and the breast cancer. It is not based on the general fungal origin of the causal agent of cancer and viral infections. In more the three authors of this Patent, Messrs. James Camden Shepherd, West Chester, Ohio declared on page 2, from line 10 to line 13 of their Patent, that: "The exact causes of cancer is not known, goal links between some activities such have smoking gold unquestionable exposure to carcinogens and the incidence of types of cancers and tumors has been shown by has number of researchers." Thus this Patent did not anticipate my invention.

2- The Patent No 5,817,321 of Oct. 6. 1998 speak about the composition of a polymer polyether with a biological agent to inhibit cellular resistance to the therapeutic agents in the neoplasms and the microbial infections and to increase effects of cytotoxicity of the drugs. This Patent partially confirmed my concept on fungal nature of the virus and cancer.

3- The Patent No 4,761,402 of August 2, 1988 speaks about a composition of an activator called "glucan phosphorylé soluble" compound with an antimicrobic agent for the treatment of the bacterial and viral infections. Use of this additive "glucan soluble phosphorus" in anticancer chemotherapy to activate the macrophages giving of the cytotoxic factors against the cancerous cells. The composition of this Patent thus has an indirect action in the treatment of cancer and the viral infections. It does not have a direct cytolytic action on the cancerous cells, however it is an argument for my concept on same nature of the virus and cancer.

4- The Patent No 5,512,591 of April 30, 1996 has a composition of only one agent synthetic antifungal Amidazole which acts like inhibiting agent of the angiogenese in the abnormal neovascularization of cancer. This Patent, also, partially assure, it also, my concept on fungicidal nature of the virus and cancer.


I present three (3) following claims:

1- Use only a single pharmaceutical product: Extracted fungicide called Nystatin, for the treatment against cancer and the viral infections.

2- Use a mixed pharmaceutical composition of fungicides including/understanding: One (1) extracted fungicide Nystatin and eight (8) natural fungicidal elements: Curcuma, Hedyotis, Lobelliae, Catharantus, Glycirrhiza, Gingseng, Sesamum Asiaca, Lotus; for the treatment against cancer and the viral infections.

3- Use of a mixed pharmaceutical composition of fungicides including/understanding: One (1) only synthetic fungicide called Nystatin and fourteen (14) natural fungicidal elements: Curcuma, Hedyotis, Lobelliae, Papaya, Catharantus, Glycirrhiza, Centella, Cuperus, Ganoderma, Sesamum, Bran of Rice, Lotus, Escagot, Ginseng; for the treatment against cancer and viral infections.

Brossard 14 May 2003

Signature of the inventor:

Dr. Nguyên, Thi Thanh MD. PhD.
3435 Place Borduas Brossard QC, 

J4Z-2E9 Canada

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